A sister sent this question: “Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Please help me. I keep going on and off with my salah [Prayers]. Could you please tell me what happens to those who leave their Prayers? The number one reason I keep coming back to performing salah is that I fear Allah, but then I get weak. It’s killing me inside and I feel so sad. Could you please give me some pointers?“
Salam Dear Sister,
Thank you for your question and for contacting Sunna Files Team.
I pray this finds you in the best of states, enjoying Allah’s blessings.
First of all, I would like to express my appreciation for the sense of sincerity and purity that can be read between the lines of your question.
May Allah help me answer and, more importantly, make me able to live up to it, despite my shortcomings and flaws.
Placing Fear in Context
Skipping Prayers is, alas, something common among many Muslims. As you mentioned, the reason why many, many Muslims keep going back to prayers, nonetheless, is their fear of Allah.
In its endless stations, faith is, at the outset, connected to fear; and this applies and is beneficial for someone without a firm ground in religion.
Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali elucidates this matter by making a parallel between such a state and that of a child. This is how a child is taught not to touch fire. Or, one makes it clear that if the child does such-and-such, he or she will be punished, to properly learn the lesson.
I will leave it to the wisdom of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to answer your question on what happens to one who skips prayers.
Get the book Riyad As-Salihin (The Meadows of the Righteous), by Imam An-Nawawi, and read the section “On the Command to Persevere in the Prescribed Prayers and the Strongest Prohibition Against Abandoning Them.”
With regards to fear, our master and Prophet, based on his incomparable knowledge of Allah and spiritual reality, said, “Truly, I am the most God-fearing among you,” despite his unparalleled scrupulousness and him being granted Allah’s utmost love and satisfaction.
That is not all of it. In fact, as believers, the essence of faith should not be based solely on fear.
It is a stage, an element, a function maybe central for many, including myself, in our path to Allah; seeing the nature of our egos, psyches, and worldliness. The human soul is created with basic fear and it should be dealt with and used to straighten it.
Hope Should Outweigh Fear
Having said that, still, hope should always outweigh fear.
First, as Imam Al-Ghazali mentions, continuous dependence on fear undoubtedly leads to despair. At any stage, one should have a little more hope than fear.
Works based on hope are so much better than ones based on fear. This is why traditional scholars of Islam say that throughout life, Muslims should not think that they are destined for salvation and Paradise; but when on the deathbed, Muslims should believe otherwise — Allah will accept them into Paradise.
Still, neither fear nor hope is the highest rank that believers should aim for. Ihsan (excellence), as explained by our most beloved Prophet, is: …worshiping Allah as if you see Him. (Muslim)
This is the highest form of worship. It consists of many more aspects than mere fear or hope: love, satisfaction, absolute submission to Allah, infinite certitude, and intent for closeness.
Practical Solutions for a Real Problem
Now that fear in relation to skipping Prayers is contextualized, what are the most practical and functional ways to deal with this problem?
First, repent.
There is no solution without repenting immediately without a second of delay.
Despite all the tricks that our egos and Satan play on us, there is no difference to delay repentance between this very second and any other to come.
The spiritual reality we live is the same; Allah is Allah, worthy of absolute worship eternally. It is just demonic tricks to further exhaust, distract, and hinder us from ultimately being a loving obedient servant of Allah, Most Sublime.
Second, see the incentive.
No one can be convinced and firm in carrying out such a great task (attending to the subscribed Prayers) that easily, unless there is an incentive for doing it.
Prayers are a matter that involve committing to doing something five times a day, waking up at dawn, washing, clarity of mind, etc.
That also is a better solution to answering your question on wanting to know what happens to those who do not pray, along with the ranks and reward for those who do.
Here is something practical that should make things easier. No one can do such a great task without knowing its worth.
Read the chapter on Prayers from the book Ihya’ `Ulum Ad-Din (The Revival of Islamic Sciences) by Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, a book of tremendous benefit.
If you do not have it, then buy it. It is better if you read it in Arabic; if that is not possible, there is an online translation that will do the job.
Through reading the chapter, based on an insightful understanding of many scholars, which is derived from the verse that reads what means: And Allah has created you and what you make (Quran 37:96)
Among many other proofs, you will be able to repent and internalize the significance of praying.
Third, make dua.
You should make lots of continuous heartfelt and genuine supplications to Allah to help you, expressing your neediness to Allah’s guidance.
Finally, to love prayers look beyond the ritual
Whether in the prescribed Prayers or other ones, deal with them as something you do with love. Deal with prayers not out of fear, nor just as a fulfillment of a compulsion but love.
Wear your best clothes, use incense in the room, perfect your ablution (wudu’), memorize all Prophetic invocations in the different parts of Prayers, pray in your favorite spot, take your time, do your post-Prayers invocations and supplications, and fully annihilate all worldly concerns in your presence before Allah Almighty; pray with all your heart.
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