Daniel, peace be upon him, is one of the prophets of the people of Israel whose time is not known with certainty, except that he was in the time after Dawood, and before Zakariyya and Yahya, peace be upon them, and he was at the time when “Bakhtasar” came to Al-Quds, destroyed it, killed the children of Bani Israel, arrested alot of them, and burned the Al-Tawraat. And it was said: He arrested Daniel, the Younger, and it was said: Rather, they found him dead when he entered Al-Quds, and it appears that he was among the Children of Israel, Daniel the Elder and Daniel the Younger, and Allah knows best.
Ibn Abi Al-Dunya reported with his chain of transmission to Abdullah ibn Abi Al-Huthayl that Bakhtnasir imposed two lions on Daniel after he threw him into a ditch – that is, a well – and they did nothing to him. He stayed as long as Allah Almighty wanted, and then desired what humans desire of food and drinks, so God revealed to Jeremiah (Arimyaa’), who is one of the prophets of the Children of Israel while he was in the the countries of Al-Sham, to prepare food and drink for Daniel. He said: O Lord, I am in the Holy Land, and Daniel is in the land of Babylon from the land of Iraq, so God Inspired him to prepare what we commanded you to do, for we will send someone who will carry you and carry what I have prepared? He said: I am Jeremiah, so he said: What brought you? He said: Your Lord has sent me to you. He said: Has my Lord reminded me? He said: Yes. Daniel said: Praise be to God who does not forget those who remember him, praise be to God who answers those who call him, praise be to God who trusted him did not leave him to anyone else, and praise be to God who rewards good. Praise be to God who rewards salvation with patience, praise be to God who reveals our harm and distress, praise be to God who is certain when we think bad about our actions, and praise be to God who is our hope when tricks are cut off from us..
It is well known that the Companions, may God be pleased with them, found his grave when they opened it (covered up) during the time of the Caliph, the Commander of the Faithful, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him and please him.
And Ibn Abi al-Dunya narrated with a good chain of narrators on the authority of Abu al-Zinad who said: I saw on the hand of Abu Burda ibn Abi Musa al-Ash’ari a ring engraved on its lobe: “Two lions between them, a man beautify that man.” Abu Burda said, and this is the ring of that dead man whom the people of this town claimed was Daniel, which Abu Musa took on the Bury him the day Daniel was buried. Abu Burda said, Abu Musa asked the scholars of that village about the engraving of that ring, and they said: The king who was Daniel in his dominion, astrologers and scholars came to him and said to him: He is born such and such a boy, and your king is destroyed and corrupted. . However, they took Daniel, and threw him into the lion’s grove, so the lion and his lioness befriended him and did not harm him. So his mother came and found them liking him, so God saved him with that until he reached what he had reached. Abu Musa said: The scholars of that village said: Daniel engraved his image and the image of the two lions, adorning him in the lobe of his ring, so that he would not forget God’s blessing on him in that.
These narrations are not forbidden in the Shari^a of Islam, because this is included under the generality of the sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him, what means: “And speak about the Children of Israel and there is nothing wrong with that.”
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