The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, published on Saturday, June 1, 2024, a picture of an Israeli soldier who was killed in an ambush in Jabalia, and its fighters managed to retrieve his body while revealing new details about the operation.
The Al-Qassam Brigades revealed details of luring its fighters on May 25th, 2024, an Israeli force into a tunnel in the Jabalia camp and trapping them among the dead and prisoners.
New details about the Jabalia ambush
In the video presented by the Al-Qassam Brigades, it said that its fighters managed to lure Israeli soldiers into a tunnel in the Jabalia camp.
The occupation introduced a “drone” into the eye of the tunnel to explore it, but the Israeli operation failed to detect the resistance fighters.
Once the “drone” exited the tunnel, the resistance fighters advanced to the ambush site, according to the pre-agreed plan, and when the soldiers reached the ambush inside it, the Qassam Brigades members clashed with them from “point-blank range.”
📹- كتائب القسام تكشف عن معلومات جديدة للعملية المركبة في معسكر #جباليا يوم السبت الماضي والتي أدت لمقتل وإصابة وأسر عدد من جنود الاحتلال
— عربي بوست (@arabic_post) June 1, 2024
According to the announced details, the fighters prepared to ambush two soldiers and detonated the eye of the tunnel.
Subsequently, the occupation forces dug the area surrounding the eye of the tunnel up to its path, and a group of them entered again, believing that the resistance fighters had withdrawn from the site.
The Al-Qassam Brigades said that “contrary to its expectations, our mujahideen had lain in wait inside the tunnel and planted several concealed explosive devices inside it, and the enemy introduced additional support force.”
“And after the Israeli reinforcement force passed one of the explosive devices and became exposed to our mujahideen’s fire, they opened fire at it from point-blank range and detonated a device on it.”
It also indicated that its fighters managed to blow up the tunnel after withdrawing from it, pointing out that the operation resulted in the occupation soldiers being killed, wounded, and taken prisoner.
A picture of one of the prisoners … Is it of mercenaries or is racial discrimination present in distinguishing your dead?
In the meantime, the Al-Qassam Brigades pointed out that its fighters managed to seize equipment from several soldiers. In the video, it published weapons, military helmets, and wireless communication devices.
It said that this is “what was allowed to be published,” revealing a picture of the body of one of the Israeli force members without announcing his name.
Addressing the occupation government, it added, “One of the members of the targeted force in our grip, you know his identity well … Why do you lie to your audience?”
The Al-Qassam Brigades wondered, “Is he one of the mercenaries you have not announced since October 7th? Or is your racism present even in distinguishing your dead?”
The Al-Qassam Brigades also addressed the families of the prisoners and Israeli casualties, saying: “Do not believe your government or your army.”
“You are invited to identify this soldier and the rest of the members of the force who fell between dead, wounded, and prisoners.”
On May 25th, 2024, Abu Ubaidah, the spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, announced that its fighters managed to capture Israeli soldiers in Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip after a complex operation that targeted an Israeli force, resulting in members falling between dead, wounded, and prisoners.
In a recorded speech, Abu Ubaidah said, “The enemy government continues its reckless policy of revenge and destruction and moves from failure to failure,” confirming that “our fighters continue to teach the occupation lessons in the battlefields.”
The Al-Qassam Brigades also published a video showing a soldier lying on the ground, with one of the Qassam fighters dragging him into the tunnel.
It is worth mentioning that the Israeli occupation did not acknowledge the capture operation announced by the Al-Qassam Brigades in northern Jabalia.
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