Recently, Egyptian Wahhabi preacher Hisham Al-Bayli sparked controversy with his mocking comments about the martyrdom of Yahya Sinwar, the revered leader of Hamas, who was killed in an Israeli attack in Rafah, Gaza. Al-Bayli ridiculed Sinwar, accusing him of dying “fleeing” rather than bravely fighting the occupation forces. This incident sheds light on how Wahhabi elements, often referred to as “Salafis,” have repeatedly undermined Muslim solidarity, dividing communities and weakening resistance against occupation forces, a stance that has historically served Zionist interests in the region.
Al-Bayli’s history of dismissing resistance leaders isn’t new; he previously mocked Abu Ubaida, the spokesperson for Al-Qassam Brigades, another leading figure in the Palestinian resistance. In his latest lecture, Al-Bayli went so far as to accuse Sinwar of lacking heroism, spreading false narratives, and belittling Sinwar’s contributions and sacrifices. This divisive rhetoric highlights a larger trend within Wahhabi circles, where figures routinely discourage support for legitimate resistance efforts and instead promote division among Muslims.
Wahhabism’s Role in Serving Zionist Interests
The Wahhabi movement, since its inception, has shown an inclination toward isolating Muslims from one another by condemning leaders and groups who actively resist occupation and stand up for Palestinian rights. Through persistent accusations and derogatory statements, Wahhabis, like Al-Bayli, redirect Muslim attention away from the struggle against Zionist occupation, subtly aligning with agendas that weaken Muslim unity. By condemning Sinwar, a leader whose life was dedicated to the Palestinian cause, Al-Bayli and his followers discourage Muslims from supporting the resistance, thereby undermining a shared Islamic commitment to justice.
Wahhabism, a movement historically rooted in alliances with colonial powers, has consistently supported foreign agendas over Muslim unity. This movement has not only divided Muslims across theological lines but has also fostered animosity toward groups like Hamas and Hezbollah that stand at the forefront of the Palestinian struggle. By branding these resistance efforts as “un-Islamic,” Wahhabi rhetoric sows discord, weakening the region’s ability to present a unified front against occupation.
Undermining Resistance: The Wahhabi Narrative
In his three-hour lecture, Al-Bayli disparaged not only Sinwar but also criticized prominent Salafi figures in Egypt who offered condolences for Sinwar’s martyrdom, including leaders from the Al-Nour Party and Sheikh Mohammed Hassan. His remarks, loaded with contempt, dismissed Sinwar’s bravery and the necessity of Palestinian resistance, stating that such efforts are not “legitimate,” reinforcing Wahhabism’s stance against any form of resistance that challenges Zionist oppression.
Al-Bayli’s attacks reveal a longstanding strategy of Wahhabism: to denigrate any figure or movement that resists occupation. By dismissing Sinwar’s martyrdom, Al-Bayli questions the necessity of Muslim solidarity in the fight for Palestinian rights, thereby aligning himself, knowingly or not, with narratives that ultimately benefit Zionist agendas.
The Consequences of Wahhabi Ideology in the Arab World
Wahhabism’s divisive nature has not only impeded resistance efforts but has actively harmed Muslim unity in the face of occupation. By alienating those who support Palestinian resistance, Wahhabi leaders like Al-Bayli inadvertently bolster Israel’s goals of fragmenting Arab solidarity. This approach encourages an insular mindset, discouraging the collective action essential for standing against occupation forces.
The Zionist project has long benefited from internal Muslim discord, and Wahhabi rhetoric serves this purpose effectively. By undermining the credibility of leaders who fight for Palestine, Wahhabi figures weaken morale and detract from the broader struggle for justice, reducing the effectiveness of a unified Muslim response to Zionist expansion.
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