The tenth day of Ramadan is a date marked by pivotal events in Islamic history. These include the victory in the Yom Kippur War (known in the Arab world as the October War), the Muslim triumph over the Crusaders in the Battle of Mansurah, and the passing of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Below are the details of these important moments:
The Yom Kippur War (October War) – 1973 CE
On the tenth day of Ramadan in 1393 AH (6 October 1973 CE), Egypt and Syria launched a coordinated attack on Israeli forces in the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. This was the fourth major conflict between Arab nations and Israel following the wars of 1948, 1956, and 1967.
The Course of the War
- Egyptian Front: Egyptian forces successfully crossed the Suez Canal, breaking through Israel’s heavily fortified Bar Lev Line and advancing 20 kilometers into the Sinai Peninsula. The crossing is remembered as a brilliant tactical maneuver, carried out during Ramadan while many soldiers were fasting.
- Syrian Front: Syrian forces initially advanced deep into the Golan Heights, pushing Israeli forces back toward Lake Tiberias.
International Dynamics
- The Arab states provided strong support, with several nations supplying resources to Egypt and Syria.
- The United States supported Israel with an extensive airlift of weapons and supplies, while the Soviet Union provided limited aid to Egypt and Syria.
The Battle of Mansurah – 1250 CE
On the tenth day of Ramadan in 648 AH, the Muslim forces achieved a decisive victory over the Crusaders in the Battle of Mansurah during the Seventh Crusade.
The Battle
- The Crusaders were lured into the city of Mansurah, where the Mamluks, under the leadership of Baybars and other commanders, launched a surprise attack.
- The Egyptian army and local civilians—including peasants and townsfolk—joined forces, resulting in the capture of King Louis IX and the annihilation of his army.
The Death of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid – 620 CE
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), passed away on the tenth day of Ramadan in the year 3 BH (before Hijrah), equivalent to 620 CE.
Her Role in Islam
- Khadijah was the first person to accept Islam and was a constant source of support for the Prophet during the early years of his mission.
- She provided emotional and financial backing to the Prophet, enabling him to focus on spreading the message of Islam.
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