A story of profound transformation by a Scottish man, Alan Rooney, has garnered significant attention in Britain after he shared his journey to Islam in The Independent. Remarkably, he embraced Islam without ever meeting a Muslim before.
In his article, Alan described how hearing the call to prayer (adhan) during a holiday in Turkey sparked a search for truth that ultimately led him to Islam. Through the internet, he learned how to pray in Arabic, sought answers to his many questions, and spent 18 months reading and reflecting before he took the step to become a Muslim.
Here’s how Alan Rooney narrated his life-changing experience:
The Call That Awakened Curiosity
Alan’s journey began during a vacation on a Turkish beach when he heard the adhan echoing from a nearby mosque. The sound stirred something deep within him, igniting an urge to explore its meaning.
Upon returning to his hometown of Inverness in Scotland, he visited a local bookstore and picked up a copy of the Quran. Though he didn’t know it yet, this moment would alter the course of his life.
He described his approach to reading the Quran as one of both reverence and skepticism. Alan would pray, seeking guidance, and spend hours kneeling in introspection. “The Quran was shocking to me—it spoke directly to the human soul,” he wrote. “It revealed parts of myself I didn’t like, and I knew I had to change.”
The Power of the Quran
Alan read the Quran three times, initially with the intention of finding flaws. Yet, with every reading, he found no contradictions or errors, only a sense of peace and clarity.
“The Quran left no room for doubt,” he said. “I could have stopped at any time, but I knew I would lose something immensely valuable if I did. Deep down, I realized I was heading toward Islam.”
The Fear of Change
As his conviction grew, Alan wrestled with fears about how Islam would reshape his life. He asked himself:
- Would I become a stranger to myself?
- Would I need to dress or act differently?
- How would my friends, family, and colleagues perceive me?
- Most importantly, would I love the new version of myself?
Seeking solace, Alan turned to the internet, where he read conversion stories of others who had embraced Islam. Each story was unique, yet collectively they reassured him that he wasn’t alone in this journey.
Self-Taught and Determined
For 18 months, Alan studied Islam independently. He learned how to pray in Arabic, listened to Quran recitations, and became deeply moved by Islamic hymns. He asked countless questions, delved into every topic that puzzled him, and committed to thorough research before accepting any teachings.
By the end of this period, Alan had embraced Islam. He prayed five times a day, fasted during Ramadan, and adhered to the dietary guidelines of the Quran.
Discovering the Local Mosque
Eventually, Alan learned of a small mosque in his town. Nervously, he introduced himself to the community, who were astonished by his story. The mosque members welcomed him warmly, offering him books and guidance. Alan soon became an integral part of the mosque’s small but close-knit community.
Islam as a Journey of Learning and Compassion
For Alan, Islam represents a lifelong journey of learning and self-improvement. He emphasized the importance of engaging positively with others, regardless of cultural differences. “Islam, for me, is about treating people with kindness and respect,” he said.
As a “white, middle-aged Scottish Muslim,” Alan finds immense joy and contentment in his newfound identity. His story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of sincere reflection, curiosity, and the universal message of Islam.
Alan Rooney’s account serves as an inspiration for those seeking spiritual truth, reminding us of the Quran’s profound ability to touch hearts and change lives—even for those who initially approach it with doubt.
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