To this day, rigid theories created by prominent thinkers in Europe and America dominate the realms of politics, economics, and social sciences. These theories present deterministic and fixed views of the future, offering inescapable explanations for the course of history. Examples include Francis Fukuyama’s “End of History,” which gained widespread popularity in the late 20th century by claiming the inevitability of capitalism as the ultimate endpoint of human history. Similarly, Karl Marx’s theory of class struggle posits the eventual rise of communism as an inevitability. Another prominent example is the “conspiracy theory,” which has garnered significant attention from researchers in political, social, and economic fields. This theory attributes every event in the world to hidden forces controlling the affairs of humanity—whether extraterrestrial beings, Jews, wealthy elites, or prominent ruling families that drive the global economy and politics.
All these rigid theories, which try to appear as certainties, fail to withstand the compelling and definitive interpretation of history and its conclusion that was brought forth by a great man from the Arabian Peninsula—Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Long before these theorists emerged with their ideas, Prophet Muhammad provided explanations and predictions more than 14 centuries ago, all of which have come true with remarkable precision. His authentic sayings (ahadith) have foretold the end of history and the world with unparalleled accuracy, even as modern science continues to uncover some of their mysteries and mechanisms for future events. This is why the definitive explanation provided by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) remains the most complete and truthful. It demands deeper reflection and effort to understand, as it is divinely inspired revelation.
The Divine Nature of the Events in the Levant
What is happening in the Levant (Al-Sham) is part of Allah’s divine plan, unfolding according to His wisdom and a precise chronological sequence. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) informed us of this in numerous authentic narrations highlighting the virtues of the Levant and its people. Some people understand these narrations, while others remain heedless of them. The chosen servants of Allah reside in the Levant, and during times of great conflicts—like the current wars—they are the ones who will defend Islam and the Muslims.
The Virtue of the People of the Levant
Why Do Some Flee the Blessed Land?
This hadith clearly indicates that the people of the Levant will become few due to forced migration or illegal immigration, as described by some nations. This has already happened before. Then, a group of freed slaves, Muslims from various parts of the world (not those who have appeared under black flags and shed the blood of Muslims), will come to establish the religion and fight the enemies of Islam. These individuals will be the people of Allah, bearing true faith in their hearts and adhering to the guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in their words and actions.
The Two Competing Projects
This is the hidden truth many overlook: the migration of the people of the Levant is not merely a forced exodus. It fulfills two significant opposing projects:
The Persian Project: This aims to establish a Magian (Zoroastrian) state as the heirs of Kisra (Chosroes). However, this will not happen, by Allah’s will. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) foretold:“When Kisra dies, there will be no Kisra after him.”Despite Iran’s efforts in shedding blood, fighting Sunni Muslims, and forging secret and open alliances with communist, Christian, or Zionist powers, their project is doomed to fail as prophesied by the Prophet (peace be upon him).
- The Zionist Project: This seeks to establish the state of Israel, with plans to dominate the entire world and spread unprecedented corruption. However, its end is also divinely foretold.
Allah says in the Quran what means: “The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder. Yet, whenever a reminder comes to them from their Lord, they turn away, heedless, and mock it.“ (Surah Al-Anbiya: 1-3)
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