Respected scholars, as-salamu `alaykum! Thank you very much for the wonderful service you provide and more grease to your elbow! Could you please furnish me with the Islamic view on celebrating Valentine’s Day?
Expressing love in Islam
Indeed, Islam is the religion of altruism, true love, and cooperation on that which is good and righteous. We implore Allah Almighty to gather us together under the umbrella of His All-encompassing Mercy, and to unite us together as one man.
Allah Almighty says: {The believers are naught else than brothers. Therefore make peace between your brethren and observe your duty to Allah that haply ye may obtain mercy.} (Al-Hujurat 49:10)
Focusing more on the question in point, I can say that there are forms of expressing love that are religiously acceptable, while there are others that are not religiously acceptable.
Among the forms of love that are religiously acceptable are those that include the love for Prophets and Messengers. It stands to reason that the love for Allah, and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) should have the top priority over all other forms of love.
Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Islam
Islam does recognize happy occasions that bring people closer to one another, and add spice to their lives. However, Islam goes against blindly imitating the West regarding a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day.
Hence, commemorating that special day known as the Valentine’s Day is an innovation or bid`ah that has no religious backing. Every innovation of that kind is rejected, as far as Islam is concerned. Islam requires all Muslims to love one another all over the whole year, and reducing the whole year to a single day is totally rejected.
Hence, we Muslims ought not to follow in the footsteps of such innovations and superstitions that are common in what is known as the Valentine’s Day.
Undoubtedly, there are numerous irreligious practices that take place on that day. Such practices have the potential to deter individuals from the genuine concepts of love and altruism, thereby reducing the celebration to a state of moral decline.
Allah Almighty Knows Best.