An article written by a Scottish man gained widespread attention in the UK after he shared his story of converting to Islam—without ever having met a single Muslim.
Alan Rooney wrote an article in the British newspaper The Independent, detailing how he embraced Islam after hearing the Adhan for the first time during a vacation in Turkey. He also explained how he learned to pray in Arabic using the internet and spent 18 months searching for the truth before making his decision.
How Did a Middle-Aged Scottish Man Embrace Islam Without Ever Meeting a Muslim?
He narrates:
“For me, it all started in Turkey while on a beach holiday. I heard the sound of the Adhan coming from a nearby mosque. It awakened something deep within me, pushing me to seek more.”
After returning to Inverness, Scotland, I visited a local bookstore, picked up a copy of the Quran, and began reading it, praying to God for guidance. I spent a lot of time on my knees in reflection.
The Quran was a shock to me. It is a powerful book that speaks deeply about human nature, and it revealed parts of myself that I didn’t like. I realized that I needed to make some changes in my life. I could have stopped reading at any point, but I knew that doing so would mean losing something profoundly important. Deep inside, I knew where this journey would lead: I would become a Muslim.
I read the Quran three times, hoping to find a mistake. But there was none. With every reading, I felt more at peace with everything.
The Hardest Part: Facing the Unknown
The most challenging part of this journey was contemplating who I would become. Would I be a stranger to myself? Would I have to dress differently? Speak differently? Most importantly, what would my family, friends, and colleagues think? And the biggest question of all: Would I like the new version of myself?
I spent countless hours online reading stories of others who had embraced Islam before me. No two stories were the same—each person’s journey was unique. But it was comforting to know that others had walked this path. I returned to these stories whenever I felt afraid of becoming isolated.
Through various websites, I learned how to pray in Arabic, listened to the Quran, and discovered Islamic hymns (nasheeds), which deeply resonated with me. Nasheeds were among the first things that attracted me to Islam.
I asked many questions—about everything. I believed that questioning was crucial. If something didn’t seem right, I had to investigate and verify it for myself.
A Journey of 18 Months, Without Meeting a Single Muslim
My search for answers lasted 18 months. Some people may take less time, others more. But I went through this journey entirely alone—without meeting a single Muslim.
After 18 months, I became a Muslim. I prayed five times a day, fasted during Ramadan, and followed the dietary guidelines of the Quran, avoiding anything that was prohibited.
It was only after embracing Islam that I discovered a small mosque in my town. Without hesitation, I went there, introduced myself, and walked in.
Everyone was shocked—they didn’t know what to do at first. But they handed me some welcoming books, and from that moment, they embraced me. I became an integral part of this small mosque’s community.
A Lifelong Journey of Learning and Connection
I still have much to learn about Islam and about interacting with different cultures. This is an important question for me because, to me, Islam is about treating others with kindness and respect.
I believe that every person can define their own identity, as long as they remain committed to the teachings of the Quran.
Today, I am a white, middle-aged Scottish Muslim—and I am truly happy with who I have become.
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