“Mountain of the Orcs” or “Cave of the Jinn” or “Salma Cave” are names that do not differ, all of which have one meaning, but for different analyzes, which were reached by scientists who searched inside the deep of the cave inhabited by the Jinn, and they meet in it at night, according to the stories of the residents of the nearby areas.
Jabal al-Jin, one of the largest caves in the world, is located in the Sultanate of Oman. Its name is due to a legend that a group of jinn used this cave as their seat. It turned out later that there is a cavity in the ceiling of the cave through which light penetrates to the right wall, reflecting with moving shadows. It led the people there to believe that they were demons from the jinn, taking the cave as their seat.

For many years, the inhabitants of the north-eastern region of the Sultanate of Oman were afraid to approach a hollow in a mountain in their area; They believe that the jinn inhabit it, and meetings are held in it, and for that they called it “the jinn’s cave,” and “the jinn council cave.” They used to see ghosts moving from afar inside the cave, and they were circulating stories about those ghosts, which prevented them from discovering that place. by the population.
Among the many terrifying stories that were said in this cave was that “who enters inside this cave will not comeback,” and it was also said: “those who are hidden in its depths are detained.”
One of the folk tales says that a righteous woman named Salma used to eat from her daily food and tend her sheep, and when she went away for a short time, an “Arabian tiger” ate them. Salma got angry and asked Allah to take revenge from those who did this, so seven meteors descended from the sky that led to those holes in its walls.

Cave Specifications
One of its features is that all its limestone walls are interspersed with some waterways made of sand and gravel, and the remains of skeletons scattered on its land, which turned out to be snakes and other reptiles, were among the first discoveries inside this exciting cave.
The cave was considered a treasure store, as among what was discovered inside it a group of rare and historically important pearls, formed in dry water cavities; As a result of the chemical reactions that occur as a result of the condensation of calcium carbonate atoms on sand and gravel grains.
The explorers and archaeologists of this charming place paid a great deal of attention to learn more of its hidden secrets since ancient times.
The first thing that was revealed about the secrets of the enormity of this cave, which was described as the first largest cave in the Arab region, and the ninth largest cave in the world; It is 340 meters long, 228 meters wide and 120 meters high in the form of a dome.

The Chance Behind This Discovery
Majlis Al-Jin Cave was first discovered by chance while searching for carbonate rocks in order to discover deep underground water reserves. One of the experts, Don Davison, first descended into the huge cave in 1983 through the 120-meter-deep aperture, which is considered the shortest of the three openings. His wife Cheryl Jones in the following year 1984 to descend from the deepest hole, a depth of 158 meters, then came Don Jones, after that to descend from the third hole in 1985.
Reaching the opening of the cave requires a lot of effort, as it requires about 1,300 meters of rugged mountain trails that take about five hours, and it is also possible to descend into the cave only by ropes.

At certain times during the day, beautiful columns of sunlight penetrate through the holes in the ceiling directly onto the floor of the hall, adding to the scenic beauty. And at night, moonlight can have the same effect.
It is one of the most famous caves that provide a rare opportunity to learn about the geological basics of the caves, and their change over hundreds of years. A visit to this cave also provides an opportunity to see the art of rock engraving that man left when he lived in these caves.
Visitors to the valley also enjoy the beautiful and picturesque views of the Wadi Darbat waterfall, whose dense waters flow from a height of 100 meters after heavy rain, as well as views of the valley’s lakes and wildlife.
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