Hatred for death… a sentence that has been mentioned repeatedly since the events of the Palestinian Nakba began until now, as it became the slogan of the Jews for the Arab in general and the Palestinian people in particular. Yet this slogan was highlighted by the strong hatred that the Jews have for the Arabs. As it is not only specified for Muslims but the Palestinian people in general. The slogan became “Death to the Arabs.”
To be familiar with this hatred, we take you on a tour of some of the texts of Jewish books from the distorted Torah and the Talmud book, which is considered an essential reference for Jewish beliefs.
The Jew and the Non-Jew
The Talmud states that every Jew must put out his effort to prevent the domination of the rest of the nations on the earth so that the authority becomes the Jews alone, and if they do not have power, they consider themselves living in a life of exile, and hostage state. So, the Jews live in war with the rest of the peoples until wealth and power are transferred to them from everyone. And then a huge group of people will eventually join the cult of Jews and follow their religion and accept all of them, except for the Christians because these are the offspring of Satan (The devil). (The Book of the Monitored Treasure, page 48)
It is stated in the Talmud that the Israelite is considered valuable by God more than the angels and that the Jew is part of God, so if an Israeli mother was bitten by someone, it is as if he is attacking the divine glory, and the difference between the status of man and animals is as much as the difference between Jews and non-Jews. They tend to feed dogs rather than feeding non-Jews. And the chosen people are the Jews only, while the rest of the peoples are animals. As nd when Nebuchadnezzar presented his daughter to the leader of the Jews to marry her, this leader said to him: “I am a Jew and not an animal.” And the non-Jewish Jews are their enemies since the Talmud does not permit the Jews to have compassion for their enemies. The Talmud requires the children of Israel to betray others, for it says: You must be pure with the pure and corrupted with the corruption. The Talmud forbids the Jews from reviving non-Jews unless they fear their harm, and the Talmud allows the use of hypocrisy with non-Jews, and it is not acceptable for Jews to offer charity to non-Jews.
Jewish and Non-Jewish Spirits
The spirits of non-Jews have no sanctity for the Jews, for it came in the Talmud: It is forbidden for a Jew to save any of the Gentiles from perdition or take him out of a pit in which he falls. Rather, if he sees a Gentile fall into a hole, he must block it with a stone. And as Chaim Pinto-Rabbi said, empathy Is barred to the non-Jews and If you see someone falling in a river or danger, then it is forbidden for you as a Jew to rescue him, because the inhabitants who were in the land of Canaan that in the Torah we’re supposed to be killed were not killed for the last of them. So on, some fled and mixed with the rest of the nations of the earth, and therefore the non-Jew must be killed because of the possibility of being from those runaways.
The Talmud states that it is fair for the Jew to kill all Gentiles because by doing so he brings an offering to God.
Women in the Talmud
Moses said, “Do not love your relative’s wife, for who commits affair with the wife of his relative deserves death.” According to the Talmud, relatives are considered to be from Jews and Jews only. So o intercourse with foreign wives is permissible, and the French Rabbi (Rashi) deduced that Jews do not sin if he harassed a foreigner, because every marriage contract with foreigners is despicable. Because the woman whose not an Israeli is like an animal, and the contract does not exist with animals, and the rabbis (Bishay, Levi, and Jarson) agreed on this opinion of persecuting Non-believers which means non-Jews.
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