We received this enquiry saying: "Dear sir/madam, I was just wondering what evidence there is to support Islam. There seems...
Read moreDetailsMany herbs have been used historically as “cure-alls” or potent “tonic herbs.” Among these herbs are black seed, fenugreek and...
Read moreDetailsSomeone asked: "I cut my nails after making wudu (ablution), shall I renew my ablution or washing my hands will...
Read moreDetailsSomeone asked this question: "As-salamu `alaykum. Do I need to have ghusl after masturbation?" You must perform ghusl after masturbation. This is...
Read moreDetailsSomeone asked this question: "As-salamu `alaykum. If we buy gold on today's rate and the seller agrees to be paid...
Read moreDetailsSomeone asked this question: "I always read about the “False Messiah, but why do we use that name? Will the...
Read moreDetailsSomeone sent this question: "Is Islam a harsh religion?" Short Answer: Islam is a religion of peace and mercy. Harshness...
Read moreDetailsMuslim scholars have differing opinions on the use of alcohol in aftershave. While some consider it impure, others believe its...
Read moreDetailsFor Muslims, there is no better example or precedent of an ideal husband than the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon...
Read moreDetailsSomeone sent this question: I have a constant fear of death and cannot shake the feeling that I am going...
Read moreDetailsيتميز موقعنا بطابع إخباري، إسلامي، وثقافي، وهو مفتوح للجميع مجانًا. يشمل موقعنا المادة الدينية الشرعية بالإضافة الى تغطية لأهم الاحداث التي تهم العالم الإسلامي. يخدم موقعنا رسالة سامية، وهو بذلك يترفّع عن أي انتماء إلى أي جماعة أو جمعية أو تنظيم بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر. إن انتماؤه الوحيد هو لأهل السنة والجماعة.
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