It is recommended (sunnah) to break one’s fast as soon as one is sure the maghrib (sunset) has begun. It is good to break one’s fast by eating dates, and if not available, then by drinking water. It is good to say the following statement upon breaking one’s fast:
اللهم لك صمت وعلى رزقك أفطرت
which means: <<O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, and with Your sustenance I broke my fast.>> It was narrated from Abu Dawud that the Prophet used to say this supplication upon breaking his fast. It is also good to delay the suhur meal until a time close to the dawn–but to stop eating before the dawn.
Refraining from backbiting, cursing a Muslim, and other sins, is more emphasized while fasting. In committing some sins, the reward of one’s fasting might be lessened or lost. If someone curses another, let the one cursed abstain from responding with a similar curse. Instead, let him say, “I am fasting. I am fasting.”
Paying the optional charity to the poor; reciting the Qur’an; staying in the mosque with the intention of i^tikaf, especially during the last ten days of Ramadan; praying the Tarawih prayer; and inviting others to break their fast on food which you provided are all rewardable acts.
The month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for one to gain a great deal of reward. Reward is earned by performing this obligation in worship and obedience to Allah, and by performing many of the recommended (sunnah) deeds. Let the person not waste his time during this blessed month.
Qiyam Ramadan (Tarawih Prayer)
In the month of Ramadan, it is recommended every night to perform an optional prayer after the ^Isha’ prayer. It is called the Qiyam of Ramadan prayer. Some also call it the Tarawih prayer. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلّم said:
صلاةُ الليلِ مَثْنى مَثنى ، فإذا خَشِيَ أحدُكُم الصُّبحَ فلْيُوتِرْ بِرَكعة رواه البخاري ومسلم
which means: ‘’The prayer at night is (preferrably) two rak^ahs at a time. If one fears the dawn will break, let one pray one rak^ah of witr.” (Narrated by al-Bukhariyy, Muslim) The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلّم also said:
أُوتِروا بخمسٍ أو بسبْعٍ أو بتسْعٍ أو بإحدى عشْرة أو بأكثَرَ مِنْ ذلك
which means: “Pray the witr after praying five, seven, nine, eleven, or more.” (Narrated by Ibn Hibban, Ibnul-Mundhir, al-Hakim)
These two hadiths signify that the Muslim may pray after ^Isha’ as many rak^ahs as desired, without specifying a maximum number. Lady A’ishah may Allah raise her rank said:
ما زادَ رسولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلَم في صلاة الليلِ في رمضانَ ولا في غيرِهِ على إحْدى عشْرةَ ركْعة
which means: “The Messenger of Allah did not pray at night more than eleven rak^ahs in Ramadan or otherwise.” (Narrated by al-Bukhariyy) This hadith only tells what Lady A’ishah witnessed the Prophet do. It does not mean that one cannot pray more than eleven rak^ahs. This is substantiated by the hadith of Imam ^Aliyy narrated by Hafidh al-Khila^iyy that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prayed sixteen rak^ahs at night. Hafidh al-^Iraqiyy said that its chain is good.
It became conventional among many to label the twenty rak^ahs followed by the three witr rak^ahs the Tarawih prayer. As for the Qiyam of Ramadan, Imam ash-Shafi^iyy said: ‘’There is no limit for the number of rak^ahs the Qiyam of Ramadan prayer has.” Hence, let the intention in the heart be: “I now pray the Qiyam of Ramadan prayer”. It is also good to pray it in congregation. The practice in the Islamic countries is to recite the thirty Juz’s of the Qur’an in the congregational Qiyam of Ramadan prayer, at the rate of one Juz’ every night.
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