The Saudi authorities have made substantial amendments to the educational curriculum, particularly concerning the interpretation of certain verses of the Quran related to Jews and Christians. These amendments targeted the deletion of several interpretations that were previously endorsed, which considered Islam as the only true religion that all the prophets came with, including Adam, Abraham, Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad, brought a unified message emphasizing the oneness of God without partners or equals. These interpretations were replaced with others serving the political and religious agendas of Zionism.
The amendments also addressed everything related to the Palestinian issue and opposition to the Zionist entity, which has stolen land and killed children and innocent people. The surprise came with the deletion of the name “Palestine” from the maps in its educational curricula, leaving the space empty.

According to a thorough study of Saudi curricula for the years 2023-2024, significant changes have emerged compared to the curricula taught in 2022.
Moreover, words deemed objectionable by Zionism, such as “Zionist enemy,” were removed from the curricula, as was the educational content warning against Israeli ambitions in the region and efforts to expel Palestinians from their land.
The survey was conducted by the IMPACT-se Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education, an Israeli civil society organization that monitors and analyzes educational materials worldwide.
The institute claims to apply “international peace standards” derived from the declarations and resolutions of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Institute officials aim to “prevent the extremism of children and youth” and examine educational curricula from the first elementary grade to the secondary stage.
The Hebrew newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” quoted the institute’s CEO, Marcus Sheff, as saying, “Textbooks have a decisive influence as a basis for understanding and shaping the future in the medium and long term. Saudis prove once again that it is possible to teach about Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict from a satisfactory Israeli perspective.”

As for Saudi normalization, it remains ongoing despite the Gaza massacres, as confirmed by the American Axios correspondent Barak Ravid, stating that the Crown Prince affirmed to Biden the kingdom’s desire to continue normalization talks after the Gaza operations.
This confirms that the normalization goal is not in the interest of Palestinians but rather securing armament for the kingdom and the nuclear program.

Media-wise, the official Saudi media chose not to stand by the people of Gaza and their resistance. The rhetoric called for stopping the targeting of “civilians and innocents” from both sides, with official channels echoing the narratives of the occupation. Furthermore, channels funded like “Al Arabiya” and “Al Hadath” adopted the entire Zionist narrative, opposing Gaza and its people.

Moreover, our media refrained from using the word “martyrs” for those who perished in Gaza, replacing it with “victims”.
Throughout the history of Saudi kings, there have been numerous stances in support of Palestine and its people over decades, reaching its peak during the reign of King Faisal, who spared no effort in supporting Palestine through all available means, primarily oil.

However, the kingdom has not witnessed an era biased towards the occupation and turning a blind eye to supporting Palestine and even combating some forms of Islamic faith, as witnessed in its current state.
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