Lady ^A’ishah, may God raise her rank, has informed about the situation of the Prophet inside of his house as a husband and so she said: “The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, used to repair his own sandals and he used to sew patches on his own clothes.” This does not mean that his wives would leave out doing things for him, rather, they were eager to serve him, however he used to be first to take care of things on his own out of his humbleness, peace and blessings be upon him. When it was said to ^A’ishah: “What does the Prophet do in his home?” She said: “He helped them in doing chores and when the prayer time came he would go out to the prayer.” Narrated by Al-Bukhariyy. Behold the greatness of his humbleness, and how he helped his family in the matters of the home even though he has the highest status. He was loving and affectionate filling his wives hearts with happiness. He would treat his wives with kindness and he would sit and eat with them and drink with them from the same container sometimes.
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