Some scholars who have written on the story of the noble Mawlid stated that Āmina bint Wahb conceived the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) on a Friday night, the first night of Rajab. Āmina, during her pregnancy with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), witnessed birds surrounding her in reverence for the one she carried. Whenever she went to draw water from a well, the water would rise to the surface in honor of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). She narrated this to her husband, ʿAbdullāh, who responded, “This is a sign of the honor of the child you are carrying.” She also mentioned hearing the angels glorifying around her and a voice proclaiming, “This is the light of the Master Messenger.” She further recounted seeing in a dream a tree with shining stars, its light illuminating all directions, and as she gazed, the tree fell into her lap, and she heard a voice saying, “This is the Prophet, the Master Messenger.”
The Night of the Prophet’s Birth
The fall of fourteen balconies symbolized that only fourteen more kings would remain in Persia, the last of whom would rule during the caliphate of Sayyiduna ʿUthman (may Allah be pleased with him). As for the fire that the Persians worshipped, it had burned night and day but was now extinguished. Lake Sāwa, which had long been a source of livelihood, became desolate. Among the remarkable signs of his birth (peace and blessings be upon him) was that Iblis cried out in agony, much like he did when he was cursed, expelled from paradise, and when the Fatiha was revealed.
Āmina (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated that when she gave birth to him, she said: “I experienced no hardship in carrying him, and when he emerged, a radiant light filled the horizons from east to west. He placed his hands on the ground, lifting his head towards the heavens, and he was born already circumcised and umbilically separated.”
It has been narrated by Ahmad, al-Bayhaqi, and al-Tayalisi on the authority of Abu Umāma, who said: “O Messenger of Allah, how did your story begin?” He replied: “The supplication of my father Ibrahim, the glad tidings of ʿĪsā ibn Maryam, and my mother saw a light emanating from her that illuminated the palaces of Syria.”
Ibn Saʿd narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “My mother saw, when she gave birth to me, a light that illuminated the palaces of Busra.”
The Signs of Allah’s Chosen Prophet
Among the signs revealed at his birth, Āmina bint Wahb said: “When I gave birth to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), I saw him lifting his head to the sky, pointing with his finger. Jibril held him, and the angels carried him, while Mīkāʾīl wrapped him in a white garment from paradise and handed him to Riḍwān, who nurtured him like a bird feeds its chick. I watched as he seemed to ask for more, and Riḍwān replied, ‘It is enough for you, O Beloved of Allah. No prophet has ever been given knowledge or forbearance without you receiving it all.’ Then a voice called out, ‘Take him across the lands, showing him the places of the prophets. Bestow upon him the purity of Adam, the understanding of Seth, the nobility of Noah, the friendship of Abraham, the contentment of Isaac, the eloquence of Ismāʿīl, the wisdom of Luqmān, the patience of Job, the melody of David, the strength of Moses, the asceticism of Jesus, the comprehension of Solomon, the dignity of Elijah, the purity of John, and the acceptance of Zechariah. Immerse him in the ethics of all the prophets and hide him from the eyes of the world, for he is the Beloved of the Lord of the worlds.’ Blessed is the breast that nursed him, and blessed are the homes he lived in. The birds said, ‘We will care for him,’ and the angels responded, ‘We are more deserving.’ The wild animals replied, ‘We will nurse him.'”
He (peace and blessings be upon him) was born adorned with kohl, anointed, circumcised, and umbilically detached. When he was born, three angels hurried to his blessed presence: one carrying a golden basin, the second a golden pitcher, and the third a silk green cloth. They bathed him in the purest nectar.
Āmina bint Wahb narrated: “When I gave birth to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), he immediately prostrated to Allah.” Indeed, he (peace and blessings be upon him) was the most knowledgeable of all creation in servitude and worship, as well as the most knowledgeable of all worshippers.
May Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, fulfilling all our needs, relieving our hardships, and protecting us from the harm of our enemies. May peace and blessings be upon him and his family in abundance.
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