A study of the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, both before and after his prophethood, deepens one’s faith and love for him ﷺ. Even non-believers, after examining his life, would either embrace Islam or acknowledge his truthfulness, convinced that he was indeed the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds.
Though those who lived after the companions missed the opportunity to witness the Prophet ﷺ, the companions – may Allah be pleased with them – described his physical appearance and character so vividly that it feels as though we can see him ﷺ before our eyes, allowing us to emulate his noble manners as much as we can.
The Description of the Prophet by Ali ibn Abi Talib:
Ali, the Commander of the Faithful – may Allah be pleased with him – said in describing the Prophet ﷺ: “He was neither excessively tall nor short, but of medium height among his people. His hair was not tightly curled nor completely straight, but rather wavy. His face was slightly round, his complexion fair, tinged with redness. His eyes were dark and his lashes thick. His joints were large, and he had a prominent chest. Those who saw him suddenly were struck with awe, and those who mingled with him grew to love him. I never saw anyone like him, neither before nor after him.” (Reported by Tirmidhi)
The Description by Anas ibn Malik:
Anas – may Allah be pleased with him – said: “The Prophet ﷺ was the most handsome of people, the bravest of people, and the most generous of people.” (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)
The Description by Hind ibn Abi Hala:
Al-Hasan ibn Ali – may Allah be pleased with them both – said: “I asked my maternal uncle, Hind ibn Abi Hala, who was known for his detailed descriptions, about the appearance of the Prophet ﷺ. He said, ‘The Messenger of Allah ﷺ had a grand presence, and his face shone like the full moon on a clear night. He was taller than someone of average height but shorter than someone excessively tall. His head was large, his hair flowing naturally, sometimes reaching his earlobes. His complexion was bright, his forehead wide, and his eyebrows thin and curved, but not joined. There was a vein between them that would swell when he was angry.
His nose was prominent and straight, glowing with a radiant light. His beard was thick, and his cheeks smooth. His mouth was wide, which signified his eloquence. His teeth were bright, and there was a slight gap between them. His chest and belly were level, and he was of sturdy build, with broad shoulders and muscular limbs. There was a line of hair running from his chest to his navel. His arms and shoulders were hairy, and his hands were thick. His walk was quick and firm, and when he turned, he would turn fully.
He was always in deep thought, and seldom spoke without necessity. He was long in silence, and when he spoke, he was clear and concise. His speech was full of wisdom, and he never spoke out of place. He was gentle in his manner, never harsh, and he never ridiculed others. He appreciated even the smallest blessing and never criticized the food he was given. If he was angered for the sake of truth, no one could stand before him. But he never got angry for personal reasons or sought revenge for himself. When he pointed, he used his whole hand, and when he spoke, he moved his hands to emphasize his words. When he was pleased, he lowered his gaze, and his laughter was mostly a smile that revealed his teeth like small pearls.’”
Hasan continued: “I kept this description to myself for a while, then I shared it with my brother, Husayn, who told me that he had already asked his father about the Prophet’s manners and found that it matched exactly what I had been told.”
The Description by Husayn:
Husayn – may Allah be pleased with him – asked his father, Ali – may Allah be pleased with him – about the Prophet’s behavior at home. Ali responded: “He divided his time into three parts: one for worship, one for his family, and one for himself. He would allocate his time with the people, giving priority to those with greater needs. Some had one request, some had many, and he would attend to all of them, always guiding them towards what was best for them. He would say, ‘Let those who are present convey to those who are absent, and inform me of the needs of those who cannot reach me, for whoever informs a ruler of the need of someone who cannot convey it, Allah will make his feet firm on the Day of Judgment.’
When he was in public, he was open and accessible, never withholding anything from the people.”
The companions described him as a gentle, humble, and approachable leader, who treated everyone with dignity and respect. His gatherings were marked by patience, modesty, and trust, and his presence filled people with a sense of peace and equality.
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