On the fourth of September of the year 1998 the world on a date with an important event very much, where this date witnessed 19 years of the establishment of the search engine most famous in the world Google.
And away from behind the scene establishment of Google and the stories of its founders until it reached what reached currently we come to the anniversary birthday of Google to an event important summarized in the “Googlism” name “worshippers Google” who took from this name slogan for them, which did not imagine the duo Larry Page and Sergey Brin during their sending doctoral degree about the matter that Google will reach all this, and control over the web in the world until it becomes a religion!
Googlism or worshippers Google who we are talking about in the lines the following began the matter through a group of young atheists who found that Google is the closest image to the Lord as they claim that it is a non-material being unseen, as it is responsive prayer and able to do anything transcends any other means, because and once suffer from stress, for example, is enough to write on Google treatment stress, and thus find all the answers by pressing the keyboard button, to forget these that Google is nothing but an invention advanced like the mobile and other things invented all by the human.
These youth and once they gathered on worship Google tried to spread the idea more through a work site on the internet called The Church Of Google, meaning church Google.
It did not suffice for the administrators on this site but tried to simulate gospel distorted by trying to collect around one thing called the Ten Commandments, the most important of which is that not take “worshippers Google” any engine search other than Google, not Yahoo nor other different sites.
They forbid some ideas designed any engine to search another for them, and the reason that Google jealous does not accept worshipper hesitation or even just thinking, and thus like the famous saying in the Bible “Do not make for me a statue carved”.
Googlism or religion that took worshippers Google is nothing but a new image of images of atheism and wasting time that should not stop at it, while claimed that it is just a style “clever” of advertising for Google which does not need any advertising from the perspective from those who refuted this saying, but from the perspective, religious this act falls under the door of apostasy which removes the doer, sayer, belief about the gene.
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