Muslims around the world are preparing to welcome the blessed month of Ramadan for the year 1446 of the Hijri calendar, the month during which Muslims fast, seek forgiveness and acceptance from Allah, repent, and strengthen social ties, in addition to the health benefits of fasting that aid in rejuvenating the body.
However, as its arrival approaches, research and inquiries about the actual start date of Ramadan 2025 increase, amidst astronomical expectations that put the possible date up for debate. Such discourse is not considered valid, as the knowledge of the first day of Ramadan is only determined on Friday after sunset upon sighting the crescent moon.
The start date of Ramadan 2025
According to the consensus of Muslims, the month is determined by one of two things: sighting the crescent moon with the naked eye, or completing the previous month of Sha’ban within thirty days. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Start fasting when you see it (the crescent moon) and stop fasting when you see it, but if it is cloudy and you cannot see it, complete thirty days of Sha’ban.” (Agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim).
It is known that determining the start and end of the month based on astronomical calculations contradicts consensus, as scholars have stated. The Shariah law stipulates determining the start of the month by sighting the crescent moon or completing Sha’ban when it is not sighted due to clouds, as stated by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): “Start fasting when you see it and stop fasting when you see it, but if it is cloudy and you cannot see it, complete thirty days of Sha’ban.” (Narrated by Bukhari).
As for the astronomers, countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Jordan, and Algeria expect it to begin on Saturday, first of March, 2024, while other countries such as Pakistan, Iran, and Bangladesh lean towards Sunday, second of March, 2025. However, those who trust in such predictions only lead themselves astray.
Imam Nawawi stated in Al-Majmu’: “Whoever mentions calculations, his statement is rejected.” This is supported by the Prophet’s saying, “We are an unlettered nation; we neither write nor calculate.” (Narrated by Muslim). They said: “Because if people were burdened with that, it would be difficult for them, as only individuals in major cities know how to calculate.”

Regarding those who oppose this view among later scholars, they should not be heeded, even if they are senior scholars, as they have opposed the Sunnah.
Allah Almighty says what means: “O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.” (Quran, 4:59).
And He says what means: “And whatever you disagree upon, its ruling is [to be referred] to Allah.” (Quran, 42:10). And if this matter is referred to the Book of Allah, Allah says: “And obey Allah and obey the Messenger.” (Quran, 5:92).
And He says what means: “So take what the Messenger gives you, and refrain from what he prohibits you.” (Quran, 59:7). And He says what means: “So let those beware who dissent from his [i.e., the Prophet’s] order lest [a] fitnah strike them or a painful punishment.” (Quran, 24:63).
And He, may He be exalted, says: “But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in [full, willing] submission.” (Quran, 4:65).
Thus, it is as stated in the Quran, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, as mentioned in the hadiths: “Do not fast until you see the crescent moon, and do not break the fast until you see the crescent moon. If it is cloudy for you, then complete the number of days of Sha’ban.”
In another narration: “Do not fast until you see the crescent moon or complete the number of days, and do not break the fast until you see the crescent moon or complete the number of days. If it is cloudy for you, then complete the number of days for thirty.” This is the clearest and most explicit thing in the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him), so it is not permissible to rely on anything that contradicts that.
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