Warning from the extremism of the misguided Sects
قال الله تعالى: (وكَذَلِكَ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطًا)
meaning of verse 2:143 in al-Qur’an.
[Thus have we made the Muslim nation a justly balanced nation].
Warning from the deviants is a must in Islam
When the Prophet received the Revelation of Prophethood, he began to call the people to Islam. The Prophet made reference to the state of ignorance prevalent at that time in a hadith related by Muslim and others. He said:
which means: “When this Religion started, it was strange to the people, and it shall be strange again as when it started. Extremely blessed at that time will be the strangers–those who correct what other people have contravened among the laws of the Prophet.”
Surat Al ^Imran, Ayah 11 means: [You are the best of the nations that were brought to the people commanding the lawful and forbidding the unlawful.] Also, al-Hakim related the Prophet said which means:”If you see my nation fearful of telling he who is unjust, ‘You are unjust,’–then know the support of Allah is withdrawn from them”
The Prophet ordered us to command the lawful and forbid the unlawful. He said what means: “He who does not respect the elderly among us, is not merciful to the youngsters among us, and does not command the lawful and forbid the unlawful is not following our methodology.”
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By this, we are responsible to clarify the truth and the path of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama^ah, and to warn from the misguided groups and people who deviated with their sayings from the true Sunnah of the Prophet.
I ask Allah to guide us to what is acceptable, enable us to be always steadfast on the path of the Prophet, and to be always protectors and defenders of the creed that the Prophet brought to the people. The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, warned us against those who deviate from him in ahadith related by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim:
“أناس من جلدتنا، يتكلمون بألسنتنا، تعرف منهم وتنكر، دعاة على أبواب جهنم من أطاعهم قذفوه فيها”.
which means: “There are people whose skin is the same color as ours, who speak the same language as we speak, they mix correct matters which you know with bad matters which you denounce [they mix the correct statements with the deviated ones]. They stand by the gates of Hellfire inviting others to enter. If one listens to them, they push him in.” It is of utmost importance for the Muslim to look thoroughly at the person from whom he acquires knowledge. In the introduction of his book, As-Sahih, Imam Muslim related the saying of the highly esteemed follower of the companions, Muhammad Ibn Sirin: إن هذا العلم دين فانظروا عمّن تأخذون دينكم
which means: “This knowledge contains the rules of the Religion, so look thoroughly into the person from whom you acquire the knowledge of your Religion.” In light of this important matter, we seek to expose those who deviate from the path of the Prophet. We ask Allah to protect us, guide us, save our nation from the harm of the unjust, and spread peace and harmony in our countries. I ask Allah for all of us to be wise and active in propagating the true message of Islam to the people.